Mimi White

Mimi White was the fifth Portsmouth Poet Laureate. A teacher, she has worked with students of all ages to help them create original and authentic work, be it poetry, memoir or non fiction writing.  Mimi White has worked in a variety of settings including schools, libraries, prisons, residencies for the elderly, and universities. She has been a member of the faculty at the University of New  Hampshire, Northern Essex Community College, and Lesley University. Her poems have been published in dozens of journals. They include Poetry, Harvard Review, West Branch, The Seattle Review, Yankee and Rivendell. Her collections of poems, The Last Island and The Arc Remains are available at Deerbrook Editions



Mimi’s project “What is Home” continued her life’s work of teaching expression and involved a series of workshops conducted over six weeks, in which participants were prompted to write on variations of the project’s theme. The project attracted 60 participants and culminated in the publication of a chapbook, also titled “What is Home.”

Read some of Mimi White’s poetry
What is Home Teaching Exercise Guide

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