John Perrault

John Perrault, Portsmouth’s fourth Poet Laureate practices law, teaches literature and writes. His book with accompanying CD The Ballad of Louis Wagner and other New England Stories in Verse was published by Peter Randall. John’s poetry has appeared in The Café Review, The Christian Science Monitor, Commonweal, Poet Lore and elsewhere. His collection of poems, Here Comes the Old Man Now, was published by River Press. He was poet laureate of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, 2003-2005.

Learn more about John at his website

As Poet Laureate, John paired artists and Poets to create a combined work. Finished works are displayed in various public locations in Portsmouth:

Finding Form
Poet: Charles Pratt
Potter: Kit Cornell
New Site: TBA

Poet: Kimberly Cloutier Green
Painter: Cappy Whelan
Site: C&J bus terminal, Portsmouth

Poet: Lesley Kimball
Eco-Artist: Tim Gaudreau
Site: Portsmouth Public Library

The Veil
Poet: Julia Older
Fabric Artist: Rachel Lehr
Site: Portsmouth Middle School

Working the Piscataqua
Poet: Marie Harris
Photographer: Charter Weeks
Site: Ocean National Bank
State Street, Portsmouth

Who Count the Dead
Poet: Mimi White
Weaver: Sarah Haskell
Site: Bank of America
Market Square, Portsmouth

Anthem Concatenus
Poet: Rodger Martin
Painter: Victoria Arico
Site: Portsmouth District Court

Poet: James Rioux
Sculptor: Peter Flynn Donovan
Site: TBA

Flowers, Birds and Us
Poet: Jennifer Belkus
Relief sculptor: Jeanné McCartin
Site: City Hall, Portsmouth

Wind’s History
Poet: Rick Agran
Painter: Sarah Mazur
Site: TBA

Space in the Square
Poet: Elizabeth Knies
Painter: Russell Aharonian
Site: Flatbread, Portsmouth

One Way of Seeing
Poet: Pat Parnell
Painter: Brigitte Keller
Site: Community Campus, Portsmouth[/one_third_last]





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