Esther Buffler Residency

In 2002, friends and family of Esther Buffler, our first Poet Laureate, set up a memorial fund that will enable the Poet Laureate Program to arrange an annual residency for a poet-in-residence in the Portsmouth School Department.

Following her death, a residency was endowed to allow a selected to poet to spend part of a week (compensated) in the Portsmouth Public School system.

Past Residencies

2003 Marie Harris

2005 Mimi White

2006 Mark Decarteret

2007 Mark Decarteret

2008 Mark Decarteret

2009 Ryan McLellan

2011 Ryan McLellan

2013 Kimberly Cloutier Green

2019 Jessica Purdy

2022 Erine Leigh


Nominate yourself or someone else for the Esther Buffler Residency

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