We are so proud of Poet Laureate Diannely Antigua!

“I am beyond delighted to announce that I’ve been awarded 1 of 23 Poet Laureate Fellowships by the Academy of American Poets! I’ve spent most of the morning in tears of absolute joy and bewilderment thinking of the journey it’s taken to get here, me, a sad ex-cult kid trying to survive and heal through poetry. From psych ward to award-winning, I honor every part. Congrats to us all!”   Diannely Antigua

.Diannely Antigua (Portsmouth, NH) will develop The Bread & Poetry Project, which will honor The Hoot Poetry Reading series and the Esther Buffler Poet-in-Residence program, two legacy projects created by former Portsmouth poets laureate (Portsmouth Poet Laureate Program). She will also continue her Bread & Poetry podcast and partner with local organizations NH-Panther and HAVEN NH to lead writing workshops, putting into practice poetry’s power to enact social change.

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